Horseradish Margarita

Horseradish Margarita

Preparation Time: 5 min
Serves 1



The potent tang of Reese Prepared Horseradish brings this Horseradish Holiday Margarita to life. We know what you’re thinking..horseradish in a cocktail?! But yes, it’s EXACTLY what makes this festive cocktail so special. Cranberries, citrus, tequila, and Reese–what more could you ask for? 

  1. In a cocktail shaker add ice, tequila, orange liqueur, lime juice, pomegranate juice and ½ tsp of Reese Prepared Horseradish (add more if you like it extra spicy!).
  2. Shake for 6-10 seconds.
  3. Use a fine mesh strainer to strain the cocktail over ice in your favorite rocks glass.
  4. Garnish with lime peel and a Reese Maraschino Cherry.
  5. Enjoy!